Customer Testimonials

“International Guard Services has provided security at the commercial properties that I manage for about a year. The staff is attentive to my needs, accommodates my requests and responds to my inquiries in a timely manner. They are friendly, professional and easily accessible. I have peace of mind knowing that International Guard Services is monitoring and protecting our assets.”
– Lisa Tomich, Property Manager, HARTMAN REIT

INOXCVA, a world leader in Cryogenic Vessel Transportation and storage vessel  manufacturing has contracted IGS (International Guard Services) to supply us with the Security services needed for two locations near Baytown TX. IGS has provided INOXCVA with the utmost professionalism and security to fit our needs. IGS is fast to react to any and all changes. IGS ensures customer satisfaction and can provide security services tailored to fit any organization’s needs.

– Phillip Lacy, EHS and Security Manager, INOXCVA

We have has IGS on site here at Jyoti Americas for well over a year and a half and are pleased with the professionalism, service and commitment of their officers, day and night, 24/6 – no matter the time weather or requirements of the job. They are effective, responsive and diligent.

– Patrick Martin, HSE Manager, JYOTI AMERICAS LLC

IGS has provided security services for our  elementary and secondary campuses and we have been satisfied with the quality of service and protection. In an educational setting, the students and parents expect a secure environmental plus security personnel who are professional and personal. The IGS personnel are great in both of these areas and are the reason we continue to utilize their service.

– Daniel Woods, Head of School, Northland Christian School

“To anyone considering using security services for their office or property I would highly recommend using International Guard Services. We are very pleased with IGS as they are well managed, extremely detail oriented, and a customer focused run company. The quality time they spend training and supervising their security officers shows in how they present themselves here at our office and our 38 acre secured site. NTI looks forward to a continued long lasting relationship working with IGS.”
-Jim Jones, Property Manager, Squarehead Properties, L. P.