Remote CCTV Monitoring

Get the big picture and go with SmartGuard Remote CCTV Monitoring Service to better secure your facility.
SmartGuard Remote CCTV Monitoring Services is the #1 alternative to having an onsite security officer. Our CCTV Monitoring Specialists can continuously view multiple areas of your property, while onsite security officers can only be in 1 place at a time. SmartGuard utilizes cutting-edge AI Technology to detect criminal threats. Once an event has been detected, our SmartGuard Monitoring Specialist will use specialized solutions to deter criminal actions and or contact local law enforcement. Verified crimes in progress have better law enforcement response times.
Apartment Buildings
Car Rental Lots
Construction Sites
Heavy Equipment
Manufacturing Facilities
Scrap and Recycling
Vacant Properties
Collision Centers
Logistics and Freight
Self Storage
IT Storage
Building Supply Centers
Energy and Utilities
Long-Term Parking
Ranch and Agriculture
Tire Shops
Tech Companies
How Does it work?
Assessment :
Assess and listen to the client’s areas of concern, site visit, and create a custom site plan showing our recommended camera placement and their area coverage.
Installation :
Install and implement the software and hardware needed to monitor your location(s). Train you on our easy-to-use software, and provide points of contact for SmartGuard. We also research your area and gather all local law enforcement contact information as well as Emergency Medical Services and Fire Departments.
Monitor :
Once implemented, you’re all set! SmartGuard will monitor and notify you of any events, monitor your hardware health, and guard your assets

Why SmartGuard Remote CCTV Monitoring Services?
1. Onsite Guards cost approximately 76% more than SmartGuard Remote CCTV Monitoring Services. Trust us, we supply security officers too, and have real-time data of the market.
2. SmartGuard Monitoring Specialists can view MULTIPLE cameras at once, allowing for more security coverage than an onsite guard..
3. SmartGuard utilizes the most up-to-date AI Software to detect Human and Vehicle Movement..
4. Events are detected, analyzed, and acted upon in seconds..
5. Response Time! Verified criminal activity gets a better response time from law enforcement..
6. Our systems typically have a 2-way radio system to ensure the perpetrators know they are being monitored by a real person..
7. Security is what we do. IGS is a pillar in the guard industry, and our SmartGuard service was designed to help reduce costs without jeopardizing your facility’s security..
Ready to find out more?
We are here, and we can help. If you would like to learn more about International Guard Services or request our services, call us today at (281) 822-6700.